Thursday, April 11, 2013

HW 4/11

I looked up Google Sites, Weebly, and Prezi as possible platforms for my presentation. I first looked at Google Sites because I already have a Gmail account and I am too lazy to create another account for another website. The thing about Google Sites however, it is more of just creating a website and I don’t think showing my work on a website is very efficient. The good thing about it is that it is very easy to set up. I then looked up Weebly but found out I would have to create an account and it is basically just a website which I am still not sure if that is the best thing to do for my presentation. I looked at Prezi and found out I can login with my Facebook account which made me very glad. Prezi might be the way to go for me because it is basically an online PowerPoint but it is interactive.
I believe Prezi with be what I use for my presentation because it is interactive, it is not as boring as a PowerPoint, and I can get my information across in a clear and bright way.

1 comment:

  1. i find that prezi is a nice platform as well. i am most likely going to use it in my reserch as well. It seems visually appealing and not too hard to grasp.

    since your presentation is dealing more with a powerpoint based approach Prezi seems to be the best choice for you.

    Good luck with your presentation.
