Wednesday, February 13, 2013

HW 2/14

The presearch process made me think of ways I could narrow my topic even more. I think I need to really narrow it because media is a huge field and if I could stick to one media item I could find more facts or information on it. My research question was “Is media in the U.S. too light on censoring language and adult content?” This seems too broad so I’m going to narrow it to, “How has the change of TV. Censorship affect the youth of today in America?” I narrowed my topic from media to television because young children cannot read an article but they can all watch something on the television.  And also I said “change,” which can help me find more information for my research topic. I can find old articles on television shows that had issues with censorship and compare them to today’s issues with television censorship. I checked out the book Media, Children, and the Family HM258 .M3743 1994

1 comment:

  1. Erin,
    Even after the "presearch" stage I'm still having a hard time narrowing down my topic to somthing managable. I think you've narrowed down your topic to a great research question that's narrow enough to answer but broad enough that you'll find plenty of good information on it. To start, the book you found sounds like it'll be a good source of info. I'm interested to see what you find and to see how much censorship on TV has changed over the years (since it seems like people can put almost anything on TV today!).
